Tokyo Rockabilly

Tokyo, well there is a lot to be said about Tokyo. On Sunday afternoon we visited the Yoyogi Garden in the center of Tokyo. The garden is extraordinarily quiet and peaceful despite being situated smack bang in the middle of the world's largest city. At the entrance however, we found the a rockabilly shin dig in full swing.

Apparently every Sunday afternoon, a bunch of middle aged men gather at the edge of the park, bring speakers and dress the the part in leathers and Grease hair-doos, and play air guitar and dance like it is the armpit of America in the early 1950s. The hair-doos are particualy fanciful, since Japanese people rarely have a receeding hair line. Can't be a rockabilly without one, so they will razor in the old golden arches and let the brim cream do the rest.

This truely was a site to behold, especially after the tranquility of the garden. If only one can thing can be said about Tokyo, I would say there is a place for everyone and everyone has a place.